Thursday, June 28, 2012
The Doug Noll Show
Tonight on the Doug Noll Show I interview Paula Langguth Ryan, principal mediator at Compassionate Mediators, LLC, with offices in Annapolis, Boulder and Cocoa Beach. A large part of her practice is devoted to consumer debt negotiation and credit restoration services. In addition, she specializes in helping families and mediators resolve the financial aspects of elder and estate mediations, such as inheritance disputes and mismanagement of estate funds. She also provides mediation services for closely-held corporations, spiritual organizations and their boards of directors. She is the creator of Transformative Spiritual Mediation Training and the author of the forthcoming Ryan’s Rules of Order: A Clear and Compassionate Process for Minimizing Conflict and Keeping Any Meeting on Track.
Paula is the lead chair of ACR’s Spirituality Section, a member of ACR’s Elder Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution Section and a synergizer for Colorado’s Conflict Resolution Month. Working with The Village Gathering, she participates in sustainable restorative justice mediation efforts in Kenya. Paula served as Executive Editor of financial publications at Phillips Publishing, Inc. (now InvestorPlace) and is the author of two books: Bounce Back From Bankruptcy and Giving Thanks: The Art of Tithing. She is dedicated to helping people worldwide feel financially confident and secure.
We will be talking about her restorative justice work in Kenya.
The lines are open for your questions and comments at 888-327-0061, or Internationally, 01 858-623-0126.
The Doug Noll Radio Show
Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061
Monday, June 25, 2012
Peacemaker Douglas Noll Grades Diplomatic Talks Between Iran and the P5+1 Group for Skill and Strategy
San Francisco, Ca (PRWEB) June 25, 2012
Douglas Noll, professional mediator, peacemaker, and author of the award winning book Elusive Peace analyses diplomatic talks in international conflicts and grades them for skill and strategy. Most recently the third round of nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group (US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) highlights Noll’s analytic process for defining effective skills necessary to bring conflicted groups together in consensus. “Unfortunately, again, these talks exemplify a major flaw in diplomatic negotiations. Iranians are focused on being heard and want respect, reciprocity, and a discussion about their rights and sovereignty. The P5+1 group are concerned about technical details—highlighting a major disconnect in listening and understanding—the cornerstone to bringing two sides together,” Noll points out.
Douglas Noll’s book Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (Prometheus, 2011) details the skills needed for effective negotiation strategies from psychological, neuropsychological, biological and dogmatic perspectives. “Our US ambassador, in this case Ambassador Wendy R. Sherman holds an impressive resume, is very talented and accomplished, and is the third ranking person in the Department of State but holds no training or experience in sophisticated modern negotiation, mediation, or communication processes,” Noll points out.
As a professional mediator, award winning author and peacemaker, Noll analyzes major areas of conflict as a teaching tool to inform politicians, voters, citizens and diplomats with the goal of improving international relationships and avoid the kind of frustrations that can lead to pre-emptive strikes and escalating conflict.
Douglas Noll is the winner of the International Peace and Justice Book Award for Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts ( Doug is the 2012 winner of the CLAY award for co-founding the pro bono project Prison of Peace. Doug is a keynote speaker and sought after leader in the field of international, domestic and business conflicts. Doug is a sought after interview guest on TV and radio, and a keynote speaker and workshop presenter. Doug is a full time peacemaker and mediator, specializing in difficult, complex, and intractable conflicts, an adjunct professor of law and has a Master’s Degree in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies. Mr. Noll is AV-rated and was a business and commercial trial lawyer for 22 years before turning to peacemaking. Doug is a founding board member of Mediators Beyond Borders, and the 2012 President of the California Dispute Resolution Council.
Noll is a Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a Distinguished Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators, a Diplomat of the California and National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, a core faculty member of the American Institute of Mediation, and on the American Arbitration Association panel of mediators and arbitrators. Mr. Noll was one of the first U.S. mediators certified under the international mediator standards established by the International Mediation Institute. Doug is the author of Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (Prometheus, 2011), the winner of the international peace and justice book award. Doug Noll is a core faculty member of the American Institute of Mediation, a preeminent mediation Training Institute founded by Lee Jay Berman.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Doug Noll Show Tonight's Interview with Lorraine Esposito author of The Peacemaker Parent
Tonight on the Doug Noll show I will interview Life and fitness coach and nationally recognized author of The Peacemaker Parent, Solving Problems for Today, Teaching Independence for a Lifetime, Lorraine Esposito has been featured in broadcast, radio, print, and online media and is a public speaker regarding personal leadership to community and school-based audiences. Lorraine is also a coach training instructor and mentor coach for, CoachVille, the world’s largest coach training organization. Lorraine lives in New York with her husband and two teenage sons.
We will be talking about raising kids as peacemakers. Seems particularly apropos in light of that school bus incident in NY where kids bullied a bus driver.
The lines are open for your questions and comments at 888-327-0061, or Internationally, 01 858-623-0126. The Doug Noll Radio Show Thursday 7pm 888-327-0061
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Difference Between Peacemaking and Nonviolence
San Francisco, Ca (PRWEB) June 10, 2012
Douglas Noll award winning peacemaker and award winning author of Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts, kicks off a campaign to teach the distinctions between peacemaking and nonviolence. “I am not starting this grassroots campaign to be a stickler for how we use words, the bigger picture is to educate the public so that an opening for changes around conflict can be created, with strategies of negotiating peace becoming strategic policy in homes, communities, schools, businesses and government,” Noll announces.
“There is a very large gap between what people believe peacemaking to be and what it actually is. It is important to start educating communities, families, and governments about what peacemaking is and what it is not. A peacemaker fundamentally intervenes in and de-escalates conflicts, and provides strategies above and beyond nonviolence,” Noll explains.
Popular public sentiments revolve around memorializing historic figures like Gandhi, Mandela and Martin Luther King as peacemakers. “With conflict on the rise worldwide, it is essential that education begins with basic definitions. Change makers are not necessarily peacemakers. The great figures of our past that were lauded as peacemakers were really nonviolent change agents. When people in power understand this, professional mediators will be brought to the table during times of change so that order can be restored and differing sides can create peaceful solutions that are win-win,” Noll teaches. “We can historically see that when mediators are not brought into unstable areas, loss of life, disease, famine, humanitarian crime and long term suffering prevails,” Noll adds.
Noll is a professional mediator with an impressive list of business and family clients. “What I find is that people exhaust every other avenue to resolve conflicts before choosing mediation, which causes financial hardships and fractured relationships. If I can, through my campaign educate the general public about peacemaking strategies before they find themselves in conflict that there are ways to work through problems during the process of negotiating resolution to differences, I can save people money, restore conflicted relationships, and prevent hardship,” Noll explains. For a free fifteen minute consultation visit:
About Douglas Noll
Douglas Noll is the winner of the International Peace and Justice Book Award for Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts ( Doug is the 2012 winner of the CLAY award for co-founding the pro bono project Prison of Peace. Doug is a keynote speaker and sought after leader in the field of international, domestic and business conflicts. Doug is a sought after interview guest on TV and radio, and a keynote speaker and workshop presenter. Doug is a full time peacemaker and mediator, specializing in difficult, complex, and intractable conflicts, an adjunct professor of law and has a Master’s Degree in Peacemaking and Conflict Studies. Mr. Noll is AV-rated and was a business and commercial trial lawyer for 22 years before turning to peacemaking. Doug is a founding board member of Mediators Beyond Borders, and the 2012 President of the California Dispute Resolution Council.
Noll is a Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators, a Distinguished Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators, a Diplomat of the California and National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals, a core faculty member of the American Institute of Mediation, and on the American Arbitration Association panel of mediators and arbitrators. Mr. Noll was one of the first U.S. mediators certified under the international mediator standards established by the International Mediation Institute. Doug is the author of Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts (Prometheus, 2011), the winner of the international peace and justice book award. Doug Noll is a core faculty member of the American Institute of Mediation, a preeminent mediation Training Institute founded by Lee Jay Berman.
Join Facebook at http://www.facebook/ For interview and further information contact Inspired Media
Monday, June 4, 2012
Stop the Family Fight: How to Reconcile
Joe, Martha, George and Anna had been fighting over their parents’ home and five acres for ten years. They had endured four lawsuits amongst each other, some resulting in judgments that had been enforced. Four years ago, the home burned to the ground with no insurance to rebuild, leaving a vacant lot to fight over. Each side had gone through two or more lawyers. The family had been torn apart through bitterness, anger, and strong feelings of injustice.
I was called in by the current lawyers to see if I could help matters. Other than confirmation of my engagement, I received no letters or mediation briefs outlining the problem to me. This was a case where I literally walked in cold.
The lawyers seemed anxious to get this matter resolved and out of their respective offices. They, fortunately, were cooperating with each other in trying to find solutions to this intractable family conflict.
After introductions, I began the process. First, I explained that each person had four options for deciding how to deal with the conflict. I used a flip chart to draw out the four options: coercion, outside authority, peacemaking, and negotiation. I observed that coercion had not worked, outside authority had led to four unsatisfactory lawsuits, and that the high level of conflict escalation and mistrust made one-on-one negotiation unlikely to be productive. I then said that everyone in the room had chosen today to try third option: peacemaking.
“You have the power to decide if this matter will resolve and how it will resolve,” I said. “I am the least powerful person in this room. My job is to manage the process, provide a safe environment for difficult conversations, and support your work in any way necessary.” I asked if this option was the choice of each person in the room. Everyone agreed that it was. This was probably the first thing the family had unanimously agreed upon in years.
I described the peacemaking process, and how I wanted them to share their stories and perspectives. I explained the difference between positions and interests. To their surprise, I was not interested in their positions and wanted to focus on identifying their interests. I explained the problem solving process they would utilize and answered questions and concerns. Again, they each agreed that the process seemed to make sense.
Before letting them begin their work, I established ground rules. “One person speaks at a time without interruption. You each agree to summarize back what you have heard. You agree to speak the truth from your heart and your mind. You will be respectful of each other, the process and me through your words, tone of voice and body language. Finally, the process has to be fair at all times.” I asked if each agreed to these ground rules and as we went around the table, every person affirmed his or her commitment.
For the next two hours, we listened to stories. Summarizing back was difficult, as it usually is in bitter and intractable disputes. With support and practice, each of the brothers and sisters became more comfortable with summarizing. More importantly, they learned to listen to each other carefully and empathically.
After the stories were told and heard, we turned to interests. I elaborated on the differences between positions and interests then asked everyone to take some private time and identify what interests needed to be satisfied for the conflict to be resolved.
When we re-convened, the interests went up on the chart one at a time. Everyone was amazed to find out that they shared almost all of the same interests. I smiled to myself because discovery of common ground happens in every peacemaking assignment and is one of the powerful parts of the process. When all of the interests had been identified, I asked two questions.
“Are any of these interests mutually exclusive? That is, will satisfying one interest mean that under all circumstances some other interest cannot be satisfied?” Everyone reflected on the question and looked at the interests. They agreed that the interests could all be satisfied.
“If we can find a way to satisfy all of these interests, do we have a basis for ending the conflict and finding peace?” Everyone hesitated as they realized I was asking for a commitment to peace. A few questions were raised and answered. Silence followed for at least two minutes. Finally, one at a time they agreed that if the interests could be satisfied, the conflict could be resolved.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon developing options that would satisfy the interests. I framed the conflict as a joint problem to be solved rather than a competition to be won or lost. The brothers and sisters engaged in a friendly and spirited conversation about how all of the interests could be fulfilled. Within an hour, an agreement was reached.
This story illustrates how the peacemaking process can bring parties separated by intractable, bitter conflict together to restore trust, foster cooperation, collaborative problem solving, and most poignantly, permit reconciliation. I had the good fortune to work with attorneys who let their clients do the hard work and who saw their role as counselors, not advocates.
And what was the solution? Everyone agreed that the property should be donated to the family church, that all claims and judgments should be exonerated and released, and that they should get back to the business of being a family again.