Thursday, November 12, 2020

 Psychological Competence: 10 Ways To Make A Smarter Kid
Your Emotional Competence Makes A Huge Difference In How Smart Your Kid Will Be
When you are emotionally competent, you can accurately name your emotions, consciously control them, act appropriately, and manage your distress. You can read the emotions of others (especially your children), reflect back those emotions with a "you" statement (affect labeling), and build resiliency.
Scientists have actually found that emotionally competent moms and dads raise kids that shine in school and have strong social bonds with their peers, no matter socio-economic backgrounds. On the other hand, mentally oblivious moms and dads raise kids who do not constantly carry out well academically and might suffer later on in life.
The Four Styles of Parenting
Think about how your moms and dads raised you. As you reflect, which of the 4 parenting designs did your moms and dads embrace? And, have you embraced a comparable parenting design with your kids?
The Emotionally Invalidating Parent
The mentally revoking moms and dad treats their kid's sensations as trivial and unimportant. Feelings are an annoyance, and unfavorable feelings are not endured.
Because they disengage from or ignore the child's feelings, the emotionally invalidating parent is the extreme opposite of the emotionally competent parent. These moms and dads desire the kid's unfavorable feelings to vanish rapidly. They see the kid's feelings as a need to repair things.
Moms and dads will lessen their kid's sensations and minimize the occasions that resulted in the psychological experience. These moms and dads will not problem-solve with their kid, thinking that the passage of time will fix most issues
Effects of emotional invalidation on children: Children learn that their feelings are wrong, inappropriate, and invalid. By the time they are ready for adult relationships, they have no skills or tools to navigate their emotions.
The Judgmental Parent
These parents judge and criticize their child's emotional expression. They think that emotions make people weak, and children must be emotionally tough to survive. The Judgmental Parent sees negative emotions as unproductive and a waste of time
Results of Judgmental Parenting on kids: Same as the Emotionally Invalidating Parent, just even worse.
The Let-It-Be Parent
The Let-It-Be Parent freely accepts all emotional expressions from the child. The Let-It-Be Parent does not help his child solve problems.
Impacts of the Let-It-Be Parent on kids: These kids do not find out to control their feelings. They have problem focusing, forming relationships, and agreeing other kids. They might struggle with low scholastic accomplishment, end up being loners, and have actually made complex relationships later on in life.
The Emotionally Competent Parent
The Emotionally Competent Parent worths her kid's unfavorable feelings as a chance for intimacy. She knows and values her feelings. The Emotionally Competent Parent either is not nervous about her kid's extreme feelings or can self-soothe her own stress and anxiety.
She sees the world of unfavorable feelings as a vital arena for parenting. The Emotionally Competent Parent does not satirize or play down his kid's unfavorable sensations. He does not inform his kid how to feel and confirms his kid's feelings.
The Emotionally Competent Parent utilizes psychological minutes as a time to listen to the kid, feel sorry for relaxing words and love, assist the kid label the feeling she or he is feeling, use assistance on controling feelings, set limitations and teach appropriate expression of feelings, and teach analytical abilities
Effects of the Emotionally Competent Parent on children: These children learn to trust their feelings, regulate their own emotions, and solve problems. They have high self-esteem, learn well, and get along well with others.
The research study develops that being an emotionally competent moms and dad is a requirement to raising healthy, wise kids. How do you become emotionally competent?
Actions to Improve Parenting Emotional Competency
Establishing emotional competency is neither quick nor easy. It is a life time venture. Here are the very best practices for ending up being an emotionally competent moms and dad.
State of mind
Establishing emotional competency needs the right frame of mind. Carol Dweck, a Stanford University psychologist, has actually specified 2 state of minds.
Fixed Mindset:
" In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them.
A fixed mindset is a belief that intelligence and skills are fixed and can not alter. Individuals with a fixed mindset evaluate whether they have the ability or not. They will turn away from anything that allows them to grow if they discern that they do not have a skill or talent.
Here are some statements about a parent with a fixed mindset:.
-" I've got to toughen up my kids because life is hard.".
-" Emotions are weak.".
-" Spare the rod and spoil the child.".
-" Discipline is the only way to keep kids under control.".
-" Kids should never have negative feelings.".
-" Telling your kid to shut up and behave is good parenting.".
-" Sending your kid to her room for crying is the right thing to do.".
-" Kids should be seen and not hear.".
Growth Mindset.
" In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work-- brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment." (Dweck, 2015).
A parent with a growth mindset understands that raising children is hard work. He is particularly interested in learning as much about his children's emotional development as possible.
Statements about a parent with a growth mindset include:.
-" Parenting is challenging and hard work.".
-" Parenting is a process of continuous self-reflection and improvement.".
-" Kids are emotional and need coaching to learn emotional competency.".
-" Praising effort is better than praising outcomes. No gold stars.".
-" Validating my child's emotions is the most powerful gift I can give.".
-" I accept that I make mistakes with my kids and learn from them.".
-" Consequences should only be talked about after I have de-escalated my child.".
-" Modeling emotional competency is the most powerful teacher for children as they are natural imitators.".
How To Develop A Growth Mindset Towards Parenting.
Here's how to work on developing a growth mindset as a parent.
- You don't have to be perfect.
- Be a detached observer.
- Study brain science.
- Choose difficult tasks.
- Be persistent and patient.
- Acknowledge your frustration.
- Recognize that developing a growth mindset is not easy or fast.
- Monitor and evaluate your parenting to identify how you can do better.
- Too much parenting is reactive and instinctive, rather than thoughtful.
- Acknowledge your faults and look for ways to overcome them.
- Look at challenges as opportunities.
- Replace the word "failing" with "learning.".
- Redefine "genius" too. Being a genius requires hard work. It's not some unobtainable talent.
- Seek criticism as positive too.
- Enjoy the ride, not the outcome.
- Self-reflect.
- View improvement in your parenting skills as separate from failure.
- Set goals for your parenting work, daily, weekly, monthly, annually.
- Be willing to fail and admit it.
- Be a beginner at something hard to master all the time and model it to your kids.
Parenting With A Growth Mindset.
- Praise effort, not talent "You worked hard to achieve that goal," vs. "You're so smart.".
- Create a safe space to make mistakes.
- Give honest, specific feedback when asked for it.
- Embrace and talk about struggle.
- See failure as opportunity.
- Emphasize the power of Yet "You are not there. Hang in there and keep trying until you succeed.".
Learn About The Difference Between Emotions And Affect.
Emotions are cognitive constructs created by our brains. Emotions serve important functions.
Emotions concretize affective experience into consciousness.
Second, emotions allow us to seek cause and effect relationships (" What is making me angry?").
Third, emotions are essential to our decision-making. Fourth, emotions inform us what to do next.
Emotions allow us to communicate our feelings to others.
Babies are not born with emotions; they are born with affect. The brain's emotional centers, located primarily in the limbic system, do not mature until 18 months.
From 18 months to five years, children have the task of building up a database of emotions. Suppose the child's job is thwarted because of an Emotionally Invalidating, Judgmental, or Let-It-Be parent.
An emotionally competent adult knows the basic neuroscience of childhood brain development. This knowledge helps you coach and guide your children through the pivotal developmental years of 18 months to five years.
Listen Your Child Into Existence.
Listening your child into existence is the phrase I use to describe affect labeling. The emotionally competent parent will read the child's emotions and reflect them back to the child with a "you" statement. Here are some examples:.
-" You are angry.".
-" You are frustrated.".
-" You feel ignored.".
-" No one is listening to you.".
-" You feel sad.".
-" You are excited.".
-" You are happy.".
-" You are feeling all alone.".
-" You don't feel loved.".
Brain scanning studies have established that affect labeling calms the over-active emotional centers of the brain and reboots the prefrontal cortex. You are helping her build her emotional database when you listen your child into existence. This is one of the crucial roles parents should be playing with their children.
Label Your Own Emotions.
Learn to label your emotions. As you learn to label your emotions, your emotional competency will grow dramatically.
Learn About Your Child's Developmental Processes.
It takes years for kids to develop a mature understanding of emotions. Children are works in progress. They are still trying to figure out their own feelings.
Develop Empathy For Others, As Well As Your Children.
Cognitive empathy is the ability to read another person's emotions and reflect those emotions back to the speaker. Affective empathy is the ability to feel another person's emotions and reflect them back to the speaker.
Affect labeling (listening others into existence) is a practice of cognitive empathy that leads to faster, more efficient affective empathy.
Emotionally competent people understand the difference between empathy, compassion, and sympathy.
Compassion is a feeling of non-judgmental concern for the distress of another. Compassion may or may not motivate you to take action to help, depending on the circumstances and your relationship to the distressed person or animal. Compassion emerges naturally with empathy and is not a skill that can be learned.
Sympathy is expressed by people who have no clue about how we are feeling, what losses we have suffered, and what pain we are in. Sympathy generally soothes the anxiety of the sympathetic person without validating the pain of the distressed person. Sympathy also allows you to remain emotionally distant from the distressed person.
An emotionally competent person with use empathy and compassion and never sympathy. Emotionally incompetent people will use sympathy and never get to empathy or compassion.
How Sara Coaches Jonah: An Example of an Emotionally Competent Parent in Action.
Three-year-old Jonah reveals to his mom, Sara, "You are the meanest mommy, and I dislike you", and after that kicks her after Sara informs him that the playdate is over-- it's time for Liam to go home.
Label Your Emotions.
Sara feels furious and wants to yell at Jonah, "You are the most unappreciative kid ever! Liam has actually been here for 2 hours and I have actually put aside whatever I required to do to monitor, make cookies with you, set up the coloring, and so on, and so on. It's never ever enough!".
She understands this will not teach her kid anything and will simply increase both of their distress. Sara de-escalates her intense emotions by saying to herself, "I'm angry, frustrated, and furious.
Label Your Child's Emotions.
Sara remembers that, at 3, kids are driven by their feelings. Her objective is to help Jonah deal with life's disappointments and frustrations. Sara's self-confidence helps Jonah manage his intense feelings.
Set Limits And Offer Options.
Kicking hurts other people. Your option is to take a break where you can soothe your mind and body, or you can help put the carrots into the salad for supper.".
If Jonah can't get over his anger, Sara will go about her business, showing that she can endure his dissatisfaction. She is showing him she trusts he can relax himself. This leaves Jonah with the option to remain upset or pull himself together and socialize with his mama.
Effective Parenting Requires Emotional Competency.
Emotionally competent parenting is not simple, easy, or quick. It is essential if you want to raise resilient, healthy children who themselves are emotionally competent.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

 Honing Your Listening Skills Like a Katana

Leaders must develop their ability to pay attention. This requires an enhanced level of listening skills.   As a leader, are you able to listen to another person at multiple levels at the same time?

Adopt these 10 strategies and you will hone your skills to katana-sharpness.

1. Focus on the speaker's deeper meaning, not just the surface words. What is the speaker's basic motivation in the moment: persuasion, transfer of information, approval?

2. Focus on content, not delivery. Concentrate speaker is saying and do not be  unduly affected by her way of stating it.

3. Don't assume you know what the speaker is going to say. Reject prejudging a message, so you can hear all of it without filtering.

4. It is very easy to tune out  so listen for common ground. What do you agree with? What is problematic? Search for brand-new concepts or understandings that could be useful to you.

5. Take notes, even if brief. This will improve your retention of key points.

6. Resist distractions and  interruptions. Outside distractions are incidents you can listen to or see, or which might be influencing your ability to hear. Interior distractions take place when your mind wanders into unconnected memories or moves  to assumptions  or strategies.

7. Use the speed of your mind. You think 5 times faster than she can speak. Actively collate, infer, evaluate, and connect what you are being told. Do not allow musings unconnected to the discussion.

8. Listen to the speaker's emotions and feelings and label them silently. Every person understands that  intelligence is a servant to feelings. When you listen to emotions, you are listening to the real human being, not an artificial, nonauthenticatic person.

9. Bend your mind. You can avoid complex  topics, or you can intellectually face Byzantine information to force you learn and grow.

10. Love listening! Take to heart the these recommendations. Empathize with the speaker's discomforts to enhance your understanding, whether or not you agree.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Cost of American Militarism

Segment 1: Military Spending is Making American Less Secure.

The United States is spending more on the military than ever before. Over 50% of every dollar that we pay in taxes goes to support military spending. What are the consequences and what can be done about it? To consider that question we have Mel Goodman on this edition of The Doug Noll Show. Mel is a 24-year veteran of the CIA and offers an insider’s view of the U.S. military economy. He is author of the book National Insecurity: The Cost of American Militarism.


Mel worked within the government for 42 years and had the highest level of security clearance. He came to the sad conclusion that there has been tremendous exaggeration of every threat we have ever talked about since the end of WWII. He argues that U.S. military spending is making American poorer and less secure. For example, the U.S. squandered an amazing opportunity to change its military spending and military procedures after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, nothing changed. The last four presidents have been scared of the military and have not known how to deal and communicate with it.


Segment 2: The Hopes of Our Children.

Mel believes the American people need to become more active and call their representatives and voice their opinions regarding national security and military spending. Americans have become ethno-centric and congress has basically been “bought” by the defense companies. Military spending is out of control and this leaves very little money to pay for domestic issues such as bridges, roads, schools, and infrastructure. President Eisenhower warned about this in a speech: we are not only spending our capital, we are spending the sweat of our laborers, the genius of our scientists and the hopes of our children.


Segment 3: Totalitarian Dominance.

Since the Ronald Reagan administration we’ve had a totalitarian dominance of foreign policy by the military. In order to reverse this we need to demilitarize the national security arena and develop a more effective state department. The oversight process of the military has gradually disappeared. Additionally, when we give the military more money than they really need, it’s a tremendous drain on America’s ability to conduct its domestic policy.


The press has abused the freedom of the press by not exercising its right to freedom. It’s very hard for a contrarian to get a voice into the mainstream media. Peace does not sell in the media. We are the strongest nation in the world with the strongest geo-political position and the only country that can project military power, and instead of using this as a bargaining chip or for leverage in some way, we continue to pour on more military aid throughout the world.


Segment 4: Increase Prosperity and Security at Home.

So how do we shift America away from a militaristic state? We start by making sure that the military is not the key instrument in foreign policy. We need to get the state department more engaged and de-militarize the intelligence community. We also need a more effective Senate Foreign Relations committee and we need to cut back on military spending. The American people need to start asserting themselves and putting pressure on their Senators to change the status quo. We need to alter our military spending policies in order to better position the U.S. globally and increase prosperity and security at home.


To listen to the entire interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fire and Forget: Short Stories from the Long War

Segment 1: From Baghdad to Brooklyn, from Kabul to Fort Hood.

Our guests on this edition of The Doug Noll show are Matt Gallagher and Roy Scranton, authors of the book Fire and Forget: Short Stories from the Long War.


Their website describes the book: “The stories aren’t pretty and they aren’t for the faint of heart. They are gritty, haunting, shocking and unforgettable. This anthology brings us a chorus of powerful storytellers – some of the first bards from our recent wars, emerging voices and new talents – telling the kind of panoramic truth that only fiction can offer. What makes these stories even more remarkable is that all of them are written by men and women whose lives were directly engaged in the wars --- soldiers, Marines, and an army spouse. Featuring a forward by National Book Award-winner Colum McCann, this anthology spans every era of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, from Baghdad to Brooklyn, from Kabul to Fort Hood.”


Segment 2: Raw Intensity and Deep Emotional Investment.

Matt and Roy met in New York while at a veterans writing workshop at New York University. There is a small community of veterans in New York, and even smaller community of vets who write. A few folks at the writing workshop broke out and started brainstorming about what to do with the amazing stories. Matt and Roy felt there were a lot of memoirs on the market but very few fiction short stories about war. Fiction makes it possible for the reader to make a deep emotional investment that might be more difficult with non-fiction war stories. There is a raw intensity in many of the stories. Most of the writers are under 40 and are recently back from serving.


Segment 3: A Call for Submissions.

To solicit submissions they cast a wide net. They talked to people they knew, they sent out emails to veterans writing groups, they reached out across the country to different veterans organizations with a call for submissions. They received quite a few stories from which to choose and went from there. They looked within the stories for an exchange, a description, an event that couldn’t be forgotten. They wanted all the short stories to add additional layers to the anthology. The fiction needed to feel new and fresh and engaging to be included in the book.


Segment 4:

Matt has worked with veterans groups as a Senior Writing Fellow, mostly to encourage them to get their experiences down on paper for cathartic purposes. The writing experience can create a new creative capacity in their lives. There is a military-civilian divide and Matt and Roy feel the most important thing they as vets can do within the community is to represent themselves and get their stories out there. The only way to really understand people’s personal stories is to keep talking, keep engaging, keep diving into the complexities of American History.


To listen to the complete interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4

Friday, April 19, 2013

Conflict Unplugged

Segment 1: Why Don’t We Try Cooperation?

Our guest on this edition of The Doug Noll Show is up-and-coming young peacemaker Jesse Treakle, founder and director of the organization Conflict Unplugged. Jesse is based in San Diego and is currently finishing up his PhD in Conflict Resolution. When asked about his personal journey as a peacemaker, Jesse remembers at the age of five settling a conflict between two cousins. They were arguing over who was going to climb the ladder of a hen house first, and as the story goes, Jesse asked them, “Why don’t we try cooperation?” In 2000 as a member of AmeriCorps, Jesse had his first official mediation training seminar and walked out of the event a changed man. The skills spoke to him and he knew they would speak to others. He then spent a year in Switzerland studying peacemaking and pursued a Master’s degree in conflict resolution.


Segment 2: Teach the Children.

Eventually Jesse ended up in United Arab Emirates teaching English and conflict resolution to school kids. He had no idea the response to his first after-school program would be so huge. The school kids came each week and learned conflict resolution techniques and skills, which was completely new terrain to them. It was a very powerful experience, for Jesse as well as the students.


Segment 3: Conflict Unplugged.

Jesse tell us that he set up his peacemaking organization, Conflict Unplugged, on two simple ideas:

1) Conflict is not synonymous with disagreement. Often we think if we get into a disagreement we automatically get into a conflict. Instead, we need to ask ourselves, “What triggers lead us into conflict and how can we catch ourselves before we go down that road?”

2) It’s important to create a clear definition of conflict and to stress that is it NOT positive and inevitable, but instead, negative and preventable. This change of mindset is not easy and takes effort, but if we want to create a world that is harmonious and break the cycles of violence then we need to get past the idea that we are inevitably driven toward conflict.


Segment 4: Study the Instigators.

So how do you teach people to become less reactive to the triggers that cause conflict? The first thing is to separate disagreement and conflict. Then identify and study the instigators: anger and other negative feelings, negative character judgment, and feelings of inferiority or superiority. It’s a process of engaging in reflection. Take the negative emotion and let it be an indicator of what is missing in a relationship (with someone else or even with yourself). This self-reflection calls for a tremendous amount of discipline and system-2 thinking. The most challenging thing to do is to have that new thought pattern become habitual. To read more about Jesse’s crucial work, please visit his website:>


To listen to the entire interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish: Wisdom is Stronger than Bombs

Segment 1: Conflict is Caused by Fear.

Our guest on this edition of The Doug Noll Show is the esteemed Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Palestinian medical doctor who has dedicated his life to raising awareness for peace between Israel and Palestine. Dr. Abuelaish is also the founder of Daughters for Life, a foundation established to advance the education and health of girls and women from the Middle East.


Dr. Abuelaish believes the Palestinians need to be responsible for their own lives and for their own health and well-being, but the world needs to help them. It’s a mutual responsibility. A lot of conflict is caused by fear. In order to overcome that deep seated fear we need to be open and honest. Most fear comes from misinformation, a psychological barrier or ignorance. It’s easy to hide behind fear, but we must take responsibility to face our fears and learn about other cultures in order to find common ground.


Segment 2: No Child is Born a Warrior.

It is fear, ignorance and greed that drive the vast majority of violence and conflict. Humans become habitual in the way they view the world and violence becomes a means to an end. It is difficult to end that cycle. Dr. Abuelaish thinks once we have justice in life, we can attain peace. Once we have the human values we were born with, we have no need for violence. Violence is a disease and must be studied and treated as a disease. This disease is man-made; it is manufactured. No child is born a warrior. The best thing to do, if you want to remove violence and fear, is to change the environment in which children are raised.


Segment 3: Wisdom is Stronger than Bombs.

Dr. Abuelaish says it’s time for the international community to step up and tell the Israeli government that its attitude toward the Palestinians is not tolerable and we need to have peace in the region. Any progress in the peace process is for the interest of the world, not just for the Palestinians. It will save the Israelis from their self-destructive behavior. The solution is there; now all it takes is the governments to come together and make it happen. It’s time to start to build some trust. Let the actions speak. It’s time for us to ask, “What world do we want for our children? What legacy do we want them to have? What do we want them to inherit?”


Despite unimaginable tragedy, Dr. Abuelaish says he is not a victim. The death of his daughters just strengthened his resolve to work tirelessly for peace and justice and freedom. Anger and violence is a destructive disease to the one who carries it. Wisdom and good deeds are stronger than bullets and bombs.


Segment 4: Daughters for Life Foundation.

The Daughters for Life Foundation was established in memory of his daughters. Its goal is to promote education of girls and women from the Middle East --- girls who have the potential but not the resources. The most efficient and effective means for change is to invest in the education of girls and women and to enable them to reach their full potential. The child who is educated will have educated children. With that, Dr. Abuelaish can keep his daughters’ memories alive. To learn more about Dr. Abuelaish and his invaluable work, visit>


To listen to the entire interview:


Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3

Segment 4